Thursday, January 28, 2010

Setting the Scene! Day 6




We packed up quite early and popped back to Binnalong Bay to take a few last photos. I decided to use my Christmas present from Ken, my tripod, so that we could both be 'in' it! Why didn't I think of this before? The rock formations all along this coast are just incredible, and the orange colours matched my teeshirt!!

Then we went on to Swansea, had breakfast at the Bakery, our first "meal out" in the six days, then off back down the coast, stopping once or twice for more photos. We also checked out the 'free' camp spots, there certainly are an abundance of them, I wonder for how much longer, Australians don't realise how lucky they are but I must say they are well populated, especially at this time of the year as the kids will soon be back to school so they are making the most of the last couple of weeks.
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