Sunday, January 10, 2010

Juvenile Gulls



What do you think of these two photos? I took these the other day at Dru Point, where we were walking with Heidi. They are Juvenile Kelp or Pacific Gulls, not sure which, know the adults apart but not sure about the Juveniles. These have both been cropped from larger photos, the first one of the gull stretching was just luck on my part, I was really photographing another gull bottom left hand corner of the photo but I am so pleased with this one, he looks as if he has a skirt on!!

I am really enjoying this camera.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

And I thought KELP was the stuff we saw when we went around Bruny Island?
But the pictures are perfect. My lonely seagull on the steps to the Alster looks pathetic in comparison!