Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day One of a great little holiday!





Heidi took us to the airport, where we picked up our home on wheels for the next six days. I was a bit nervous about driving this big vehicle so Ken took over and off we went. By the time we got to Orford I was a nervous wreck, never realised what an awful passenger I can be, I know the road is particularly bendy and hilly but my heart was in my mouth the whole time. There was nothing for it, at Raspins Beach, with that beautiful view of Maria Island in the background I had my first lesson and from then on it was a piece of cake!!!! You are up nice and high, it was automatic transmission and the mirrors were excellent, so off we went, Hazel much happier now, Ken has always said I was a 'control freak' maybe he is right.

However the first real test came when I had to reverse onto 'our little allocated spot' It seemed incredibly small for such a large vehicle, and the ground was very sandy, so after a few wheel spins and a lot of effort (with the bloke from next door looking on!) I finally made it, not too straight but at least I was on!

This awful bit of manoevering did have its compensations, as our neighbour came round with some lovely freshly caught flathead and gave us our first evening meal, wasn't that nice? I said to Ken "See, if I had just driven up and on we would have been having vegie stew instead of the lovely meal you see in photo No. 3!!

After dinner we had a walk down to the beach, met some more nice people and had a short lesson in night photography from a kindly Canadian, hence the last photo.

And so to bed!
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