Thursday, January 28, 2010

Are you sitting comfortably, then I'll begin!!!


You are in for a long stint of Blog reading as Ken and I have been away for six days. We started at Frecinet and then went on up the East Coast to Binnalong Bay and the Bay of Fires. What a great time we had, and my camera has been running hot for most of the time. We had fabulous weather, good food (took most of it with us, only stopping to buy fresh fruit or vegetables on the road) and met some nice people.
Now if I was a really modern Mrs I would have been able to Blog every day from my laptop or my iphone, don't have either of those so, sorry that you had to wait.

I just hope it was worth waiting for!
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1 comment:

Barbara said...

you are looking good must be all this travelling around and all the good food