Sunday, January 17, 2010

Food - again!!



The first photo is yummy swordfish with OUR broad Beans, OUR Kipfler potatoes (note only on Kens, none for me) OUR spinach, I have an agreement with our nearest fish shop, whenever they have swordfish in (which is not often) they give me a ring. It is my favourite, and one of the healthiest.

Second photo is a ginger slice I made, got the recipe from the Weekend Australian, it came second in a National Competition for Ozzie Christmas Cakes, it had ginger in and big pieces of crystalised ginger and raisins on top. Wouldn't bother again, it was so dry, and the ginger and raisins didn't want to stay on top, as you put them on AFTER the cake was baked. Stupid idea!!
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Heidi said...

the swordfish looks really yummy. I usually eat it at one of the portuguese restaurants down by the Hafen - there is the "Portugiesen-Viertel", with portuguese restaurants on every corner.
To look at the ginger slice, it does look fancy. I was going to suggest you send the recipe to Katja, as she is very much into ginger. But as you say it is dry, perhaps it won't be necessary.

Anonymous said...

I was under the impression that ken was not to eat too much potato. That serve is far too big.