Sunday, January 10, 2010

My sunflower has arrived!!


I put in four sunflower plants given to me by neighbour Debbie, they all grew well and popped over the garden fence to face the outside world. Then on New Years Eve we had terrific winds and a massive thunderstorm and one sunflower on which we had not increased the size of the stake, blew over and in the effort of standing it up again in the dark, I snapped it right off, so was left with three, now they are all out and oh so beautiful. I have never planted sunflower seeds before but I would certainly have a go in future. They grow quickly and are such fun.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

I look forward to the time when sunflowers are growing in my garden, but am afraid it will still be quite some time. In the meantime I sent you pictures of Hamburg in the snow - which isn't relenting yet