Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Twenty Ten (that is what we have got to call it officially, can't say two thousand and ten) really started with a Bang!! About half past nine (2130 hrs) we had an almighty thunderstorn, with Donner and Blitzen (no, not Rudolphs friends - German for thunder and lightening) which went on for about an hour and a half. Before the rain came I went out and tried, in vain, to take some speccy photos, but guess I will have to go to lessons for nighttime photography. We don't often have electric storms like that here, they do in the Northern Territory but not in dear old Tassie. It was better than any Firework Show AND it was FREE!!

Now I can't stop Blogging, so read on, another three Posts to go!


Heidi said...

Talk about a bang! I fell asleep on the couch just before midnight, but was awakended by the big bangs from the fireworks at Landungsbruecken.
Then the continuous bangs kept me awake for most of the night, fortunately I have a number of new books to read. Just finished "Alfred and Emily" by Doris Lessing, a great read.

And a very happy New Year to you all

Hazel said...

I never did get into Doris Lessing, maybe I should try again, have not read a book in ages. What one do you advise for a beginner?

Last night watched the Edinburgh Tattoo, always enjoy the spectacle of that, even if we have to have it 24 hours later!!