Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 2 - Seymour





We finally arrived at friend Wendy's 'block' after turning off the highway and not really knowing where we were going. Luckily she had said they would have the Flag flying, they did, and we found them. They have an acre of land about ten minutes walk from one beach and about 20 minutes from another. In the afternoon we went for a long walk, up steep sand dunes overlooking the ocean on one side and a lagoon on the other. We were joined by Wendy's sister and her husband and their dog.
Then we went back to prepare the festive evening meal, there were eight of us, some had chicken and we had lamb, with all the trimmings. This is camping in fine style, they had hot and cold running water from a solar panel and a shower with no ceiling, you gaze up at the sky!! Then they have this contraption that the men are standing round, which is an old water cylinder with a tank on top containing water, there are thin pipes wrapped round the cylinder, in which they light a huge fire! The water in the pipes gets heated up and somehow returns to the tank at the top - ingenious?? It was bubbling away all the time we were sitting at the table eating our beautiful meal. After dinner we played Pictionary and it was confirmed, something I have always known, I can't draw!!! (but I can cheat so Sten and I didn't lose by too much)
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