Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year is a time to start afresh!!



and here I am, still making cinnamon star biscuits!! Could not bring myself to waste the butter and sugar Kiya accidentally over melted in the microwave when I said "just soften the butter a bit!!!" So today, a few days later, I turned it into biscuits, not for me you understand, I have had enough.

Then I decided as it was New Year it was time to look at some of the Sell By dates on bottles which have been in the fridge rather a long time! This is an understatement, the Chocolate Grand Orange Sauce said 11-12-06 and the Tasmanian Gourmet Sauce Company's Chocolate Sauce, which I have been saving for a special occasion, said 04 OCT 05!!

Oh well, I guess I will have to throw them out!!!

Then I really got active, and took down and washed the little net curtain pelmet in the kitchen (can't remember ever having done that before and we have been here just over ten years!) and I cleaned the windows, and I washed down the paintwork, just on the windows, will do more tomorrow!! But I am getting there, I now have a "Do" list and have a great feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day if I can cross anything off!!

PS Don't tell anyone about the chocolate sauce or the dirty curtains will you?
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Heidi said...

You make me feel really bad. My windows are so dirty I can hardly look out - but at the moment it is too cold to even think of cleaning them. We are in the minus-degrees and expecting more snow by the end of the day. But then, it is winter here

Heidi said...

As for "sell by" products, I have been going through the same procedure recently and have thrown out a lot of bottles and jars (especially one of mince meat - have now taken to buy ready-made mince pies at my "English Store"

Hazel said...

Glad I am not the only one who keeps things for a long time.