Sunday, January 17, 2010

Home from Home!!





This time next week this will be our home! Drovedown to the airport today to check out the Voyager we have hired for six days,starting next Friday. We will drive up the east coast of tasmania, first night Freycinet Coles Bay and then on up to St Helens, Binnalong Bay and Bay of Fires (Tasmania's No. l natural attraction) and then back down to just outside Bicheno where a friend has a piece of land right on the coast. Anyway that is enough about that for now, will be blogging when we get back home/ Have to get ready now(But will blog a bit more before we go.)
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Couldn't you wait to do this until I come visit next time? Anyway, it looks great and I hope you have a good time. Look forward to your pictures of the trip - either on the blog or via Picasa.
In the meantime, it has snowed again (and still is), so another winter-wonderland in Hamburg