Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 3 - The market at Bicheno still



I bought Ken a present, I knew it would appeal to him, it is the Oz equivalent to our Whooppee Cushion! This is its Inventor, a man called Drac. For $2.50 you can buy a small semi circle piece of wire, a length of elastic and a washer!!! The elastic is double and spans the semi circle of wire, the washer is in the middle of the elastic, you wind it up, pop it under your bottom and gently raise yourself up off said bottom, whereon it emits a loud noice, something like a fart!! I'll get you one if you like,next time I go to Bicheno Market, only $2.50!!

I zoomed in on Drac and his unsuspecting customer, he thought it was funny anyway!!
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