Wednesday, December 30, 2009



This is that funny time, between Christmas and New Year, the weather has been particularly kind to us this Christmas, the sun has shone brightly every day, and phew! tomorrow they are threatening 34 degrees so after my 7 am walk I will probably hibernate for the day, OR maybe we will go down to the beach and find a nice shady tree to sit under and just veg out with a good book, how does that sound?

The Sydney to Hobart yachts are still coming in, it has been an exceptionally slow crossing this time, no wind!! So we still get the occasional one on the horizon and we will still see tailenders tomorrow.

Had quite a few Christmas cards arrive today, mostly from overseas, still good to have them, must now make an effort to write a few letters.

Today, as you see from the photos, we went with friends Debbie and Mark (from the U.S) down to Huonville where we, or rather, they put Marks kayak in the water and Mark and Ken pedalled their way down to the pretty little town of Franklin where Debbie and I were waiting for them (after a visit to the local Antiques Shop) and although we both had their wallets (just in case they fell in!!!) we managed not to spend a penny (not that we couldn't find a toilet!) I thought that pretty remarkable of Debbie, she has an eye for a bargain.

You might have to double click on the photos, to make them a bit bigger. New camera still going well, took some good movies of departure and arrival, quite humerous in places.

Better go and get ready for this heatwave tomorrow, Goodnight!!
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Heidi said...

What wonderful pictures! I have very fond memories of our trip down the Huon Valley.
Here we start the New Year with more snow and cold weather, but that is as it should be. Whereas in Stuttgart it is reaining and they have 10° C.
Hope you have a good start into the new decade and I hope to see you in 2010.
Thanks for the Picasa Albums, you all appear to have had a good time!

Hazel said...

Glad my photos bring back some happy memories, where would we be without our cameras?

Yes, you will see me in 2010, I will get on with some arrangements.