Friday, December 18, 2009

On the Fourth Day of Christmas


my truelove sent to me Four Pied Oystercatchers wading on the waterline at Dru Point the other day. Note their straight red beak and colour co-ordinated red legs, I often see them here.

Well the days are passing, the supermarket is getting more frenetic, you would think they were shopping for a seige or that the shops were closing for at least a month! I must be getting old and cranky but I can't help thinking about the third world countries and how little they have!!
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Heidi said...

It appears to be the same all over the world. I hate going downtown, with all the hustle and bustle -
although I went this week to meet Ute at the Weihnachtsmarkt in front of the Hamburg Rathaus.
And guess what? I snowed last night and everything looks lovely.

KCC - grub spot said...

and you didn't take your camera with you, boo hoo please take it with you in future.
This is Hazel typing, despite the fact that it will say it is Ken!! Can't seem to get over this glitch at the moment.

Anonymous said...

what shall we comment about

Hazel said...

Lets hope we have sorted it out a bit now.