Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On the second day of Christmas


my truelove sent to me two Green Rosellas! Arn't they just so special? I almost gave up on my walk this morning, although I did see two small unidentified birds which I managed to photograph and could not name them till I loaded my card onto the computer and could zoom in even more. They turned out to be finches, European Goldfinches at that, quite a find for me. Back to the Rosellas, the only unfortunate thing about these birds is that there is also a bottle of tomato sauce bearing the same name, minus the Green. I'll show you the finches some other time, must get round to some Christmas cards tonight.
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Heidi said...

Why are they called Rosellas if they are green?
That is a contradiction in itself. But they do look pretty colourful.

KCC - grub spot said...

Hazel said: I will have to investigate further, but they would look silly in pink, we save that for the galahs - coming in a couple of days time!!