Thursday, December 17, 2009

On the third day of Christmas


my true love sent to me Three Black Swans and guess what? I an beginning to get in the mood!!
This morning saw me knocking on the door at Pathology, waiting to give some blood (not for a good cause - too old - for me!)at 7 am and it is absolutely down, so no walk today. This photo was taken on Tuesday at Dru Point, with Heidi and Ken. Now I have actually written four christmas cards, they take a time with me as I just cannot bring myself to just sign them, must have my moneysworth from Australia Post so they all get a screed, which all takes time. And now (I know you shouldn't start a sentence with 'and' but at my age you can get away with things!) we are getting ready for Ken's PROBUS Christmas Lunch at the Lindisfarne Yacht Club, a lovely venue but with this weather the camera will stay home, sorry.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Well, you can't win them all. And why should you enjoy lovely weather while we are freezing here!