Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On the first day of Christmas


my true love sent to me one silver gull making ripples in his own little pool.

It is getting a bit scary, only ten days to go and I have not sent (or even written) one single card. What is new, I always leave it till the last minute, I am better working to a deadline!!

Photo taken on Sunday morning, my half hour walk now takes me at least an hour, maybe more, as there are all these interesting things to photograph and I must get to grips with my new camera. It is great, I am enjoying the challenge.

Beware, I am going to blog every day from now to Christmas (and beyond)
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Anonymous said...

That's great Hazel! Look forward to reading your posts. I am loving your photos. Lisa xx

Heidi said...

Don't remember if I posted my first comment.
So here it is again - no need to send cards if you continue the good work and blog every day until Christmas.