Sunday, December 20, 2009

On the Sixth Day of Christmas


my truelove sent to me:

What now? I've run out of the feathered kind of bird so will my six friends have Christmas lunch do?

But let me tell you, yesterday on my quest for photos I SAW a PLATYPUS. I was so surprised (and so was he) that I did not have time to turn my camera on, and he was gone. We went to the Reserve and were just contemplating how we could cross Coffee Creek (which is usually just a trickle but this time it was a raging torrent) when suddenly what I thought was a rock was a Platypus, what a surprise, Ken did not even see him, he was so quick. But now I know he is there I will go back at dusk, that is a good time, and I'll creep up on him with camera at the ready.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

There is a new way to comment, hope this works.
Pity you didn't have your camera ready for the Platypus. So please make sure next time.
And now I am waiting for the Partridge in a Pear Tree.