Saturday, December 19, 2009

On the Fifth Day of Christmas



my truelove sent to me:
Five Galahs, all feeding their faces, or should I say beaks?

Galahs get a bad press, I feel sorry for them as they are really quite a pretty bird, and very sociable, you never see one on his own (except the one I got here so that you can see him up close and personal.) When someone acts stupidly or does something really silly he is likened to a Galah (Australian logic?)

The weather has cheered up, I have started walking in earnest again, having lapsed over the past few weeks, so I usually try to get up early and am off by 7 a.m. If I go alone with my Ipod tucked in my bra (little ipod - big bra!)I can be there and back in 45 minutes, but if I go minus ipod and plus camera it takes much longer.

Starting to feel guilty about my lack of enthusiasm over the forthcoming Christmas season. We went to Kiya's end of year dancing show last night, what a spectacular, talk about "dancing the night away" they never stopped, it was so energetic it wore me out just watching it. The costumes were fantastic, the tiny tots were sweet, the few boys in it were looking either very enthusiastic or very embarrassed and the music was very loud. But we enjoyed it and were both glad we had made the effort to go.
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