Saturday, December 5, 2009

Great photo - eh?


This is a very important photo, cos its one of the first with my NEW camera!!! I am now the proud owner of a Lumix ZR50 - just got to learn how to use it now!!! Got it on Ebay, recommended by the Camera Club I go to once a month and guaranteed to take better pictures of birds!! (not so far though)

The second thing about this picture is, of course, that it is with brother-in-law Norman who has been with us for two weeks and departed today. It has been a very interesting time!

Now to get back to normal. Will be posting some more photos from the past two weeks soon.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

congratulations on your new camera!
Aren't you the clever one.
I like the picture of you all. So brother Norman has left already? I thought he was staying much longer.