Saturday, December 26, 2009

On the Twelth Day of Christmas


I couldn't find a partridge anywhere (do they indeed have them in Australia?) so you will have to make do with a DUCK. Whats more, we have a peach tree, two apricot trees and an apple tree, NO pear tree, so its a duck in an apple tree or nothing!!

I have come to the end of my Christmas card to you, I hope you have enjoyed it and I hope you had a very merry Christmas and that you will have a good New Year.

Now I can get back to normal and not have to go around counting everything to see if it was what I needed.
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Heidi said...

Well, since you couldn't find either a partridge (don't even know what that is) nor a pear tree, I am content with the duck in the apple tree - thanks so much.
Had a lovely X-mas and the brunch yesterday was very successful.
24 grown up people, 2 little girls and I - quite a crowd. But everybody went away well satisfied and am
bound to do it again, and again, and again

Hazel said...

Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.
Glad your Brunch went well but then how could it go any other way? Who were the two little girls, and did Liselotte come?