Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On the Eighth Day of Christmas


my truelove gave to me

Eight Choirleaders leaping all over the place to the tune of Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.

We had our choir practice tonight for Christmas Day, when we will be singing (only for a short time) to homeless people who come to the Masonic Hall for lunch put on by an Organisation called Colony 47. We don't want to put them off their food, do we?

By the way yesterday I blogged about some of the dogs I have from time to time here at the Doggie Hylton! It was very remiss of me, but I forgot to introduce them, so here goes:

From memory there was Wally, Millie, Molly, Bella, Amber, Star and last but not least Mo, my granddog (Heidi's dog)
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