Saturday, March 12, 2011

You are going to be green with envy!!!!



On my morning walk along the Esplanade I came upon a Garage Sale, and what did I find at the Garage Sale? The Jug and basin (arn't they sweet) were $5 and the other jug (for the garden) was a whole $2!!!! Reminds me of our quest to find a suitable set for Sanni, so make sure you show her what bargains she could get if she just came here!!

Apologies to my other (hopefully) Blog Followers for including a personal message to Heidi in Hamburg but I just could not resist, and I don't usually even LIKE Garage Sales!
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Indeed, green again! Those jugs are lovely and I wouldn't mind having them myself. But we did well with the ones for Sanni. She is coming round this morning and I will show her the pictures.
Thanks for the e-mail, will reply shortly