Sunday, March 20, 2011

Desperate situations call for desperate measures!!




In preparation for the Croquet Nationals I decided to have a clear out of my Fridge!! Wow, what a lot of stuff I have in there, do I really use it all? What about the Rosewater, the Use By date is l998, would you think that is out of date? I obviously don't use Rosewater very often.

PS I still put it back, Rosewater can't go off, and you never know when I might need it, maybe in 12 years time!!!
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

You must be following my example! I got rid of my old fridge before X-mas and have now a bigger one - much easier to sort out things that are past their sell-by date. But I guess Rosewater will keep. Have never used it myself.