Monday, March 7, 2011

Anyone for a Cherry Tart?

Used some of my precious Sour Cherries to make some Tarts for Croquet on Sunday. It was a marketing experiment, to see how they would go for the Croquet National Games which are coming up next week. I am co-ordinater for the Club and am looking forward to having a good cook up!! This little lot netted a hefty profit for the Club, mind you we had a good saleslady who has missed her vocation in becoming a teacher, she really should have been in marketing!!

(Its querying my spelling of co-ordinater but it rejects co-ordinator as well, AND i got the Concise Oxford Dictionary down off the shelf but that was no help, so no doubt YOU will put me right!!)


Heidi said...

More envy!!!!

Elaine said...

They bought because I told them you had made them and what you would do if they didn't sell . . . no just joking - best marketing is just to say "Hazel made ... would you like to buy one" Think I will patent a brand called 'Hazel made"