Sunday, March 20, 2011

Anyone for a Succulent?


While I was busy slogging away for the Nationals our street had a joint Garage Sale, so Debbie (lovely US neighbour) took some of my succulents, and sold the lot. Bit of a pain for her, I made more than she did!!!

I must say, I had done my homework and one of the local up market Garden Shops sells succulents for MUCH MORE than the $5a pot I was asking, and I dare say they sell more.

Do you like the ones in the fancy pots, and what about the cup and saucer one, now I need to go to more Garage Sales to buy more kinky containers to put them in.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Lovely and fancy. Why don't you open your own nursery? I have started a big container with succulents, just waiting for the temperatures to rise before I can put them outside. Last week I put away my warm winter coats, this week I had to take them out again. But today at least the sun is shining, so there is hope!