Thursday, March 31, 2011


Heidi's sunflowers finally made it!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A beautiful sunrise AND Dolphins

Our patience has been rewarded, today we saw the Dolphins in the Bay at Snug and after taking some 516 images I managed to get these three (and 50 more) but you will need to double click to see them larger. It was a lovely sunrise, we have not managed to walk for the past ten days as I have been so busy with Croquet, so it was just great that the Dolphins were there for us today.

Tomorrow I will take my binoculars AND tripod, that will make things a bit easier.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Here they are!



This is what the One Eyed Tasmanians and their opponents from South Australia did with their cup-cake badges!!
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Trusty Helpers


Here we are, Sylvia, Gwen, Kath and I, showing off the masterpiece chocolate cupcake badges which Heidi made for the ladies, apparently the men were most upset to be left out, even threatened to take us to the Equal Opportunities Board!!
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bloody awful weather





Ironic isn't it, these girls have come from flood damaged Queensland to rain sodden Tasmania and play was delayed for over an hour because of the wet conditions. Do you like their see through trousers? Tell they are from up north, they wear shorts!!!

Second and third photos are our two deciding what to do next, in all their wet weather gear. Croquet is a sport for the strong, no such thing as "Rain stopped play:" you just get your wet weather gear out and get on with it!

And a photo of me taking in todays goodies, chicken/mushroom and leek pies, Cornish Pasties and Plum Streusel Cake
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Tasmania v Queensland




Today Tasmania played Queensland, and they brought their mascot with them, Queenie, and she stood at the window and watched them beat us, boo hoo. Queensland are in maroon and our girls are the smart ones!
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Day 6 of the Nationals.




Still going strong, and when I got home tonight I had the most pleasant surprise from my lovely daughter, just look what she and Karlo made for us, perfect chocolate cupcakes with a picture of the Tassie Badge specially made for the Nationals on them, AND a beautiful peach and almond flan. The cupcakes look too good to eat, I wonder how long before they go mouldy!!!
Middle photo, the rather large Cornish Pastie, should not be there, that was meant for our tea tonight. We feed the croquet players and Heidi feeds us, will miss this when it is all over.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another Day and another breakfast in bed.


He has had a good nights sleep but he still can't keep his eyes open!

I didn't have a rose to put on his breakfast tray, he had to make do with a pot of chillies instead. You never know, that could put a bit of heat into the bedroom!
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Hey Good Lookin' what you got cookin?


Howse about cooking something up with me?

And on the menu today we have Kens Onion Tart (His other favourite Tart!) the now famous sour cherrry or apricot Tarts, Chicken and mushroom pies, Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup and my favourite Potato Salad (the cheats one, as I can't do a REAL potato salad like my friend Heidi can. While I was over with her for so long I could have taken more notice of how SHE did it!
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If you don't like the heat stay out of the kitchen!




They must be congratulated, coping with so many customers with so little facilities in the kitchen, and today was a really busy day.
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Its alright for some!


Some of us have time to sit and watch the croquet. Mind you I don't know why he needs to sit on so many cushions, maybe he is feeling a bit delicate.
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Blimey, a visit from the Lord Mayor of Hobart!




Who is this coming through the gate? Wonder if he has come for a bit of Onion Flan or a quick course in How to play Croquet?
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Organisation is the name of the game!







Didn't miss the sunrise this morning, met Heidi down on the beach and watched a foolhardy man having his morning dip, it was a case of going - going - gone - (probably in more ways than the obvious one!) Then to make up for the fact that I had not been out to photograph the super moon that was predicted last night, I took a photo of the "morning after moon"

PS you do know how you can pick out a blind man in a nudist colony don't you? It's not hard!!!!
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Whats this? Breakfast in bed?


Got to make a fuss of him 'cos I went to bed so shattered last night that he did all the washing up and cleaned the kitchen. As we are two days down and seven to go I had better make sure he doesn't feel neglected!!

PS AND it keeps him out of the kitchen while I am busy!

PS again - not shattered anymore, just enjoying it.
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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Anyone for a Succulent?


While I was busy slogging away for the Nationals our street had a joint Garage Sale, so Debbie (lovely US neighbour) took some of my succulents, and sold the lot. Bit of a pain for her, I made more than she did!!!

I must say, I had done my homework and one of the local up market Garden Shops sells succulents for MUCH MORE than the $5a pot I was asking, and I dare say they sell more.

Do you like the ones in the fancy pots, and what about the cup and saucer one, now I need to go to more Garage Sales to buy more kinky containers to put them in.
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Desperate situations call for desperate measures!!




In preparation for the Croquet Nationals I decided to have a clear out of my Fridge!! Wow, what a lot of stuff I have in there, do I really use it all? What about the Rosewater, the Use By date is l998, would you think that is out of date? I obviously don't use Rosewater very often.

PS I still put it back, Rosewater can't go off, and you never know when I might need it, maybe in 12 years time!!!
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