Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Procession of Princes



This is a 120 metre long mosaic made of Meissen tiles which runs along the whole length of the passageway leading to the Hof Church. It was originally scratched in stucco and took six years by Artist Wilhelm Walter to complete but it damaged too easily so in 1906 it was covered with 25,000 Meissen tiles. The good thing is that this wall completely survived the air raids of 1945, when everything else around was ruined.

This Mosaic shows 35 Margraves, Electors and Kings, all with their dates, reigns and even their nicknames, like "the Strong", "the Rich", "the Warlike", "the Gentle", "the Stubborn", "the Proud" and "the Illustrious". (What a difference having a Guide Book makes, even if it is only when you get back home and actually have time to read it!)
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