Monday, September 20, 2010


Things have been happening here, I have acquired 'an Editor' someone to put right all the wrong facts that I report. First I will introduce him, his name is Helmut and he lives in Berlin, was a Journalist for many years up until his retirement. So, he really knows what he is talking about!! (although I just heard from his daughter that he used to HATE Editors when he was 'on the job'!!

So here goes, first of all that photo of the Dry Dock turned out to be a Floating Dock (it can only be called a Dry Dock if it is too far away from the Pub!!)((Joke))
Secondly that Walrus which was spitting water turned out to be a 'Her' and not a 'Him' and a while ago I got what I considered to be quite a 'Scoop' with the photo of the Transvestite waving to me on the top of an open double decker, from which I was observing Hamburg. I told you this was the famous 'Herbergstrasse' in fact Herberg is German for Youth Hostel and I should have written 'Herbertstrasse' after some bloke called Herbert who always got lucky there!!!

So - watch this space - corrections coming up as they come in from Berlin.

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