Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Farewell Autumn, Hello Spring!



From one season into another, in just 24 hours, amazing.
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Auf Wiedersehen!





Last photos of Hamburg, taken from the other side of the Elbe, looking over to where it has all been happening for me this past few weeks.
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THE Harbour - again




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The Old Elbe Tunnel





This tunnel was completed in 1911 and is still being used today, although they have built a bigger, better one further up the Elbe. This is unique because the cars go down in a lift, through the tunnel and then up in the lift the other side.

I walked through the tunnel and managed to get some interesting shots of Hamburg from the other side of the Elbe, which is a fitting way to end my stay here.
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Surprise Surprise


What is nearly as bad as having your car taken away (see later Blog)? Coming back and finding your bike looking like this!! Mind you, none of these bikes should have been here anyway, they were all illegally parked!
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Monday, September 27, 2010

The Chinese Dragon


Isn't he a beauty? He lives in the Square, opposite the Town Hall.
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Lemons and Bridges



Walking back home the other day I came across 'Lemon Jetta' (I know it should be Jette Helmut but then they won't pronouce it right!) She has a lucky index finger on her left (or is it her right) hand, you touch it for luck (and wear all the coating off!)

Then there were good reflections in the bridge over the canal.
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Getting towed away - German style!





Needs no explanation, costs a pretty penny (Euro) to get it back again!!
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Snazzy eh?


They have it all worked out, these Germans! The one escalator goes up AND down, not at the same time, silly, but it can change directions, saves having to have two escalators. As you walk toward it it starts up, and if anyone is coming down, you have to wait till they are down (of course) then you can go up. OK? Any questions?
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Clever, eh?
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Open day continued





It is all very beautiful, and obviously a very popular place to come on a Saturday afternoon, twice a year.
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Inside the town hall





Not a bad place for a 'get together!'
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Bucks Night, German style!




Looking out of the townhall window we came upon this scene. Apparently the bloke in orange with the broom is the bridegroom and his friends have thrown stuff (?bottletops) all over the place, he has to sweep it all up. Sounds harmless enough, I wonder what happens then!!!!
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