Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Weekend on the North Coast!







Ken, Heidi and I went up to Burnie for the weekend. Karlo's mother had an Embroidery Exhibition going on at the Civic Centre (most impressed with the venue) and it was interesting to see all the lovely embroidery which they have been doing over the year. It was "Klein aber Fein" and made up for the dubious weather they were having, whilst back down south the sun shone most of the weekend. No wonder they have such lovely vegetables up there, and the soil looks so chocolatey brown and beautiful and the terrain is hilly, so much more interesting than 'the desert' we have down here.
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Heidi said...

I wonder about the first picture of the tulip field - is that the one of those we saw when we went to Cradle Mountain?

hazel said...

Yes it was, the tulips at Table Cape, so you have not forgotten.
T&M are home now, and just about surfacing after their jetlag