Friday, July 8, 2011

The last of the apples






The other day, as we came back from our 'retreat' back down into the fog, the Rosellas were making the most of the last remaining apples still hanging on the trees.
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Heidi said...

while you are on your last apples, here is the best season of the year for cherries and berries and my morning fruit plate looks red! I even got round to making strawberry+thubarb jam, delicious. So I don't have to rely on Heitman to provide jams and jellies.
But now Rosellas here, instead rabits in the garden

hazel said...

You saying you made some strawberry/rhubarb jam reminds me that my rhubarb chutney should be ready to eat by now, I had quite forgotten it. Never made rhubarb chutney before.