Monday, July 4, 2011

George and his birthday Pavlova!



As Tim and Mandie are away we made a fuss of George on his Birthday with a good Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding dinner followed by raspberry Pavlova. all washed down with a glass of water!
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Heidi said...

I have no idea what a PAVLOVA is, but it looks smashing.
How old is George now?

hazel said...

A Pavlova is very Australian, it is just merangue, cream and fruit, usually passionfruit, but as I am not keen on them I used raspberries instead. Needless to say, we didn't manage to eat it all, so George took it home to share with his flatmates.
In fact he did quite well, as Heidi had some chocolate cupcakes and I had made him some cornish pasties so I think between us we kept him fed for the week!!