Sunday, July 3, 2011

Surprise Surprise!





only it wasn't!! What would you do with a husband who even checks the deleted items on the computer and finds the booking receipt which you wanted to keep secret until the day you were about to take off for a couple of nights to the Huon Bush Retreats cabins out in the middle of no-where, and half way up a mountain called Misery.

The way up was interesting, the photos don't do the 'steepness' justice, it was first gear all the way, and don't stop till you get to the top. The steepest part they had thankfully concreted, so you had a bit more grip, just hoped it would not be icy when we were due to leave (and it was not, just a bit frosty.)
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Heidi said...

Well, I won't comment on all the individual pictures. But it looks like a wonderful experience. I do remember the Huon Valley very well and hope to see it again some day.
Talking of frost, it has been really cold here for the last few days, but there is hope that summer will return by mid-week. I hope so for Mucki's and Peter's sake, as they are off for Tondern tomorrow and getting married there on Friday!
Sorry to be slack in writing, but rather busy.

hazel said...

Will you manage to get to the wedding?