Monday, July 4, 2011

Girls Day for July



was here at our house, Joan is away and Margaret is on a fancy embroidery Course in Brisbane so there were only the four of us. We had a curry for first course, followed by an Apple and Blackberry Steamed Pudding, just the right sort of 'comfort food' for midwinter. As you can see, Wendy in particular enjoyed the steamed pud and she finished up taking the leftovers home for Sten, we had to get temptation out of our way, our waistlines are steadily increasing with all these fundraising dinner parties we are having, and we have raised not far short of $1000 and there are more bookings to come.

After lunch talk turned to Tai Chi so I put on my DVD that I do every morning and we had a little go at that, made us feel better after the steamed pudding!

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Heidi said...

Looks like you all had a great time.
Our next Rentner-Fruehstueck will be at Ute's on the 26th - arranged by Raini from Berlin. He insists on organizing it for us, as we had intended to go to Berlin, but this fell through.
Tomorrow Tobias is arriving and next week it will be T and M I hope

hazel said...

Who is Raini? and I didn't realise Tobias was coming, how long for? and yes, you will soon see Mandie and Tim again.

Heidi said...

Raini is our friend in Berlin, the one we met in Delhi when he was still working for the East German press agency ADN.
Questions about Tobias I answered by e-mail