Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Following the Yellow Boat Road.

After all this time I still have not given you the info you need to see just what we are doing our Dinner Parties for! Very remiss of me. Roger Pennicott is circumnavigating Australia and he is halfway round now, having left Perth a few days ago.

He has an excellent Blog on his website where you can see just what they are up against and also quite a bit of wildlife as he is a great wildlife enthusiast. I hope you will take the time to look at it, bookmark it and come back to it from time.

If you should have any problems you can always google Roger Pennicott and it will come up.

AND the good news is that we have raised just over $1200 from the nine parties we have had up to now, have even had repeat bookings, i.e. people coming back for a second time! Tonight is our most ambitious, for eight, which will be a bit of a squash round the table but they assure me they don't mind. We will be having Mulligatawny Soup with french bread, followed by the most decadent Shepherds Pie, green beans and peas. And to finish (and yes I know, you should not start a sentence with AND) I have made individual meringue baskets which will be filled with cream and mixed berries. When are YOU going to book in?

And all this cos I had Polio when I was eighteen, and friend June (now a blogreader) will testify to that, as she was part of my life at that time. Cheers June.


Heidi said...

Tomorrow - the family is leaving and I might find the time to read the blog and follow the Yellow Boat (that is, if I am not too sad to do anything at all)

Hazel said...

Oh Heidi, I know you will miss them and wish they were nearer, but I am sure the distance between you makes the re-unions all that much sweeter.


Heidi said...

Well, they are gone! We had a lovely party last night in Finkenwerder with the host family - they took Jonah and his luggage to the airport this morning where we all met again.
Departure went off ok and I hope they make it to the other end in one piece.
Now just Mucki and Peter's visit on sunday to get through and then I'll start dismantling the living room before the painters arrive. So, no peace for the wicked.