Monday, July 11, 2011

He loves me, he loves me not!






We went over to H & K's house today to cut some blackberry canes for me to have a go at weaving a little fence round my garden bed! It was freezing cold and blowing a gale but we still managed to cut a few, the real trouble was how to transport them back home, as believe me, they are very prickly!

So the photos show H&K's Dam and the last one is the view back to the house. Their neighbour sometimes puts their horses in this paddock when their own grass is getting a bit sparse but there were no gee gees around today.

I often wonder if Ken really appreciates having a wife with such cheap hobbies, after all I could be doing much more expensive things like my friend Margaret, who spends a small fortune on her embroidery and has just spent a very expensive week in Queensland on some Course or other. And here is little me, with my prickly thorns, I will keep you posted on how I get on.
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