Sunday, July 31, 2011

Its a joy to have such talented friends!






Girls Day this month was at Linda's house, and she excelled herself with the pre lunch Pakhoras (?spelling) and then a beautiful Chocolate Hazelnut Gateau after a bowl full of very nourishing soupt witheverything in it!

Wendy bought her latest project, although she has been working on it for the last year or two. It is a Wedding Present for her son Alex and his Japanese wife Uki, the wedding was some years ago but Baby No. l is finally on the way, thanks to IVF. The quilt is very symbolic, panels represent Shinto Shrines, the crowded little houses some people live in, the Lotus Flower and of course the Bamboo. It is really lovely and I am sure they will be overjoyed with it when Wendy and Sten take it over to Japan later this year, to welcome their firstborn grandchild.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011

When I was young

I went to University to study Art and Philosophy. Now I draw my own conclusions!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

This one is called "Birthday Candles"


so it is appropriate for Heidi and the following Post!
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Happy Birthday Heidi


It was Heidi's birthday today (and would have been Steven's yesterday) so she got a lovely new Mixer. Now she can now make her own pastry!
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Must show off some beautiful Aussie Natives from time to time, and this is the one I got for my birthday last year, it has put on quite a bit of growth and has lived up to expectations.
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You promised me a walk!


and here I am sitting up here so you don't have to bend down to put my lead on!!
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If you are a Cannibal

and you come late to one of my Dinner Parties, I am warning you, you will get the cold shoulder!

I am not completely mad, but I pass this place from time to time and they have neat 'sayings' posted outside, that was one of them.



Just look what you missed out on!!

Last night's Dinner Party raised another $184 for Polio and as far as I was concerned, the dessert was an easy sensation. I whipped the cream with vanilla and caster sugar, making Chantilly cream, and it was all very tasty.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Following the Yellow Boat Road.

After all this time I still have not given you the info you need to see just what we are doing our Dinner Parties for! Very remiss of me. Roger Pennicott is circumnavigating Australia and he is halfway round now, having left Perth a few days ago.

He has an excellent Blog on his website where you can see just what they are up against and also quite a bit of wildlife as he is a great wildlife enthusiast. I hope you will take the time to look at it, bookmark it and come back to it from time.

If you should have any problems you can always google Roger Pennicott and it will come up.

AND the good news is that we have raised just over $1200 from the nine parties we have had up to now, have even had repeat bookings, i.e. people coming back for a second time! Tonight is our most ambitious, for eight, which will be a bit of a squash round the table but they assure me they don't mind. We will be having Mulligatawny Soup with french bread, followed by the most decadent Shepherds Pie, green beans and peas. And to finish (and yes I know, you should not start a sentence with AND) I have made individual meringue baskets which will be filled with cream and mixed berries. When are YOU going to book in?

And all this cos I had Polio when I was eighteen, and friend June (now a blogreader) will testify to that, as she was part of my life at that time. Cheers June.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Its a Dogs Life!




Boring, boring, nothing good on the box, there is nothing for it but to sit around and sleep in front of the fire.
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She's a Tart!


He sits there mesmerised as she cavorts on the floor before him. She is a real tease!
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Dinner time!




But how do we get to it, hope she opens the door soon, our mouths are watering. And it doesn't take long to woof it all down!!
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They've done it - again!


Australian Cadel Evans has won the Tour de France!! We will be hearing about this for the next week or so!
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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Put your specs on Hazel!


Got this little used dish out last night to dissolve my gelatine (for tonight's cheesecake) and was just about to pour the gelatine into the water when I noticed there was already someone there, although he was thoroughly dead and not going anywhere (unless into someone's cheesecake, unbeknown to them) Oh well, all adds to the protein content I suppose.
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Its a Dogs Life!


Boring, boring, nothing to do, nothing on the box, just lay around and wait for bedtime!
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In a philosophical mood!!


(Do you spell philosophical with an 'i' or with a 'y'?

I wonder whether, when God designed us, if he worked out the length of our arms in relation to our bottoms? (A visit to the loo just prompted this musing!)

All that apart, nice photo taken on one of our early morning jaunts to Snug to watch for Dolphins a couple of months ago.

Cheers, have a good weekend, Hazel.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Weekend on the North Coast!







Ken, Heidi and I went up to Burnie for the weekend. Karlo's mother had an Embroidery Exhibition going on at the Civic Centre (most impressed with the venue) and it was interesting to see all the lovely embroidery which they have been doing over the year. It was "Klein aber Fein" and made up for the dubious weather they were having, whilst back down south the sun shone most of the weekend. No wonder they have such lovely vegetables up there, and the soil looks so chocolatey brown and beautiful and the terrain is hilly, so much more interesting than 'the desert' we have down here.
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Paper People





We went to the Paper Workshop, there has been a Paper Mill in Burnie since the beginning of last Century but in 2010 the last paper rolled off the mill, thanks to China! I thought the Paper People were very clever.
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Six of the Best!


I learnt how to 'frazzle' the eggs whilst I was up in Burnie! Just shows, you are never too old to learn something new (even if I did have doubts about the 2 cm oil I was frazzling them in!!)
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Monday, July 11, 2011

When you have a dog





come rain, hail or shine he has to be taken out for a walk at the beach to see the huge waves we are having at the moment, apparently it is called a King Tide. Then it is about turn and head for home, light the fire, turn on the tele and listen to the Prime Minister spouting on about the Carbon Tax they are about to put in place. About time too....
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