Sunday, November 15, 2009

Riding the Waves!!

It is not everyone who can ride a Sundial!!! This clever piece of sculpture/sundial is at Campbelltown, in the Midlands, and is all made out of farm implements and, if you are very clever, you can even tell the time with it (providing the sun is out!)


Heidi said...

So, what time was it really? Can't make it out. Anyway, a lovely idea.

Hazel said...

It was lunchtime - its always lunchtime with me, Heidi will tell you, I get extra crabby when I am hungry!!

Hazel said...

Hazel said...

It was lunchtime - its always lunchtime with me, Heidi will tell you, I get extra crabby when I am hungry!!

Hazel said...

Tell I am getting old, I keep repeating myself!!!!