Friday, November 20, 2009

I've got a joke!!

The other day whilst listening to the radio in bed, they were talking about the many different sorts of potato available here in Tasmania. I picked up my ears, as I have King Edward, Pontiac, Kipfler and a Dutch one (name escapes me at the moment.) Everyone was ringing in with more and more names, and the list finally got to 22, which is pretty incredible for the humble spud!

But then came this joke, which made me giggle, and hopefully will have the same effect on you. here goes:

Mother Potato had four lovely daughters and as they were approaching adulthood the first one came and said "I have met this wonderful potato and he wants to marry me" Whats his name, said mother. King Edward replied daughter, mother was very happy. Daughter No. 2 came and said she had met a great potato who wanted to marry her, his name was Bismarck. Mothers chest swelled with pride and when daughter No. 3 announced that she was about to get engaged to a potato named Royal Blue (a new one to me!)mother wondered what was in store for her last daughter, No. 4. She said to he husband "Arn't you proud of your daughters, they have done very well for themselves? Daughter No. 4 eventually turned up with her new Beau, Eddie Macquire (this joke could fall flat on its face, cos you need to know that Eddie Macquire is a wellknown figure in the football world,) Anyway Mother threw up her hands in horror and said "You can't possibly marry him, he is just a Commentater"

Oh well, I tried!!

Tell me if you got it!

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Apprently Eddie Macquire has been commentating on the golf recently, but he made such a bad job of it (he is really more a football person) he got sidelined. But anyway he is a sports commentater, and also a commoner!!