Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wow I have just emailed a walk up to Scafell Pike

to Germany! I wonder if Heidi will get it!

I have been enjoying this series, which I came across quite by accident, and am I glad that I did. I always wanted to walk in the Lake District and this week I have already done three, last night it was Blencathra, otherwise known as Saddleback. This is a great series, almost makes up for having lived in England for 50 years and never having had the time.

There was a bloke named Wainright who wrote the most fantastically illustrated book of walks, his walks, which he loved with such a passion, and if you saw these you would agree, they are incredible, the scenery is so beautiful but the going looks very hard, you have to watch your feet as the way is very rocky.

I wonder how much walking Heidi did when she worked at Holiday Fellowship in Derwent Bank all those years ago. I hope she will be able to watch the video and enjoy it as much as I have.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

unfortunately I wasn't able to open the videos, but I'll ask Katja if she can download them for me.
But just the descriptions brought back so many memories of my time in the Lake District, all happy memories