Saturday, March 2, 2013

The flower show

Bit disappointed, no little old lady streaked in and and got first prize for dried arrangement!
Remember the joke about the two little old ladies sitting outside, one said to the other "life is so boring these days, for $10 I would strip off and run in there, just for fun." The other lady promptly produced $10 and off she went. Then the lady outside heard clapping and out came her friend, beaming all over and said "Guess what? I got first prize for dried arrangement"

But the flowers were beautiful, I would hate to be a judge, how can you chose one over all the others? The church was beautiful too, they had taken out all the pews to make room for the flowers, as they had lost their hall.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I had commented three days ago, but the comment never showed up. Anyway, flowers are all lovely. And I think it very brave of the people after all they have been through