Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Pond!


There is a sizeable Dam to walk round, plenty of birds, especially 'up market sparrows' (otherwise known as Fairy Wrens) I call them up market because their little tails stick right up in the air, like they are showing off!
It would be a great place to go for a picnic, and all this within the compounds of the Village, which has a high wire fence all around, I am not sure whether this is to keep us Oldies in, or to keep the public out!  But here and there I notice that wire cutters have been used, but all the holes have been patched up again.   All, that is, except the one I managed to squeeze through recently when I went for another walk - outside- then wanted to take a short cut back through the village to our house.
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Heidi said...

Looks just perfect - but I wonder if I could squeeze through any hole at all

Hazel said...

no comment!