Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Mucki

When Tim was ten months old I took him back to Germany to visit his 'Ersatz Gross Eltern' Heidi's parents and her sister, with whom I had spent an interesting year, working at Daimler Benz and enjoying life in the Black Forest.   Mucki was like a sister to me, as Heidi had gone off to Switzerland to work.   Mucki taught me lots of funny things, and kept up the tradition when we met up a couple of years ago when she tried to teach me how to make Spetzle!   (I have not quite mastered it yet!)
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Heidi said...

What a perfect picture. I think Tim hasn't changed at all. Whereas Mucki....

Hazel said...

Now now! Sorry I didn't get a photo of Mucki and Peter, but thanks for the one of the girls.

Heidi said...

will send you one or two soon