Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ahh, he did look a picture in his little red lederhosen.

I always wonder what we did with them when he outgrew them, we could have usedthem as a Planter! I would add that this was the time we went all round Scotland, five adults, Tim , two tents and all the camping gear in a VW Beetle. Don't know to this day how we managed to get everything in, considering the two German males accompanying us even had Dressing Gowns, honest, I have a photo somewhere which I unfortunately did not scan.
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Heidi said...

Just lovely!
I also wonder what we did with the Lederhosen Kirsten had when she was small. They were probably the reason why she wasn't too sure if she was a girl or a boy

Hazel said...

But she knows now, doesn't she!

Heidi said...

after having three boys of her own I am sure she knows