Friday, April 20, 2012

Chandlers Nursery - again!


It is that time of the year, and my new garden needs a few more treats, in the form of Anenome and Freesia bulbs and mini cyclamen.   Also treated the worms to some yummy Wormfood so that they put on a bit of weight.   Then had the job of trying to show them to you AND take a photo at the same time, never thought I would be able to put my (gloved) hand into the mess to photograph them, but they are so quick, they dive for cover before the shutter clicks.   But can you see the smiles on their faces, don't they look like happy worms to you?

Reminds me of a joke (clean one Heidi) about the Japanese inventing a camera with a shutter speed so quick, it can even take a photo of an Australian with his mouth closed!!
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Would that Japanese camera be able to take a picture of Mandie with her mouth closed?
And yes, I can see them smiling.
And isn't it a bit late in the year to put in bulbs? Or isn't the Tassie winter that severe?