Sunday, April 29, 2012

I think its called "Feathering the nest!"


Bought a new 'thing' for the dirty washing, but it was a bit plain, so I cheered it up a little!
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Saturday, April 28, 2012

I almost forgot this one!

Heidi at Playgroup.
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Happy Birthday Mucki

When Tim was ten months old I took him back to Germany to visit his 'Ersatz Gross Eltern' Heidi's parents and her sister, with whom I had spent an interesting year, working at Daimler Benz and enjoying life in the Black Forest.   Mucki was like a sister to me, as Heidi had gone off to Switzerland to work.   Mucki taught me lots of funny things, and kept up the tradition when we met up a couple of years ago when she tried to teach me how to make Spetzle!   (I have not quite mastered it yet!)
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This one is specially for my friends Heidi and June

who both read my blog.   (Don't we all look young, und huebsch!)   (jetzt sind with nur noch 'und')  This is a bit unfair, it is a saying I picked up along the way and translated it means:   'Don't we all look young and pretty, now we just look 'and'  Doesn't sound so funny in English!
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Ahh, he did look a picture in his little red lederhosen.

I always wonder what we did with them when he outgrew them, we could have usedthem as a Planter! I would add that this was the time we went all round Scotland, five adults, Tim , two tents and all the camping gear in a VW Beetle. Don't know to this day how we managed to get everything in, considering the two German males accompanying us even had Dressing Gowns, honest, I have a photo somewhere which I unfortunately did not scan.
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See, I've always looked up to him!

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See, she's always liked painting.

Starting with a blank sheet!
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Ken always did like his birds with a bit of flesh on them!

(thats why he chose me!)
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The Great Ocean Road.


I got up early this morning and thought I would look through a few old photos and see what I could find.  I couldn't resist showing you these two!  cos if he can get under that tree, I could certainly get through that hole in the fence (see Blog a bit further down!)
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Chinese (?) Brush Paintings?


Memories of an exhibition our Heidi and I went to in Hobart, I wonder if these were her inspiration for what she is doing now?
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This one is especially for you Debbie, to welcome you home!

We have missed you, and look forward to having you back, even if it won't be 'just across the street'
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

How about coming for a walk with me!


I have discovered that I can go for a decent walk within the grounds of the Village, which is great.   I walk down through the village, past the Ducky lady, and turn right.   There I come to an open space with willow trees along a stream on my left, and a couple of places where they used to Tee Off (can't think of the real name but you know what I mean!)   Then I follow the stream along until I come to a little bridge across it and there is the Dam.
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The Pond!


There is a sizeable Dam to walk round, plenty of birds, especially 'up market sparrows' (otherwise known as Fairy Wrens) I call them up market because their little tails stick right up in the air, like they are showing off!
It would be a great place to go for a picnic, and all this within the compounds of the Village, which has a high wire fence all around, I am not sure whether this is to keep us Oldies in, or to keep the public out!  But here and there I notice that wire cutters have been used, but all the holes have been patched up again.   All, that is, except the one I managed to squeeze through recently when I went for another walk - outside- then wanted to take a short cut back through the village to our house.
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The Bullrushes are bursting!

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The Fairway!


The Golf Course, alas, is no longer.   This is all so sad, there used to be a Golf Course, a Croquet Lawn and Bowls, beside a beautiful swimming pool and a Functions Centre, now it has all gone to rack and ruin because the R.S.L. went bust and no one has the money to re-invent it any more.
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The Wildlife!


Not much on offer this morning, just a few native hens and a bunny rabbit!
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Monday, April 23, 2012

High Tea at Villa Howden


We decided to take 'the boys' out for High Tea at a new venue not far from us, Villa Howden.   I had been there on a couple of occasions years ago, but it never looked anything like this then!!   It was a lovely afternoon, to hell with the expense - we decided that you can't take it with you!   It would certainly be the place to take anyone that you wanted to impress, pity that we didn't think about it a few weeks ago when friend Heidi was over to visit, never mind, we will go next time!!!!
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