Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What will I think of next?

I have decided to do something about all the food I have in store in the kitchen.   The freezer is overflowing, the fridge is full and the tins keep multiplying so for the next two weeks the only thing I will buy is milk, even though I have plenty of milk powder, we like soy milk now.   
I decided this on the spur of the moment so no quick shopping and stocking up!   The result of this is that I am going to run out of onions and I only have three eggs left.  SO IT WILL BE A CHALLENGE!

I am spurred on by the promise by Heidi of a meal at our Indian Saffron restaurant if I do it.

So today I traded a couple of slices of beautiful sunflower seed bread for one onion from Shirley so now I can make borsch from the two huge beet roots I harvested at the garden (that is allowed!  The trading and the harvesting I mean!)

I already have some empty containers of stuff I have had for a while, so I am looking forward to having a good clear out and some tasty meals along the way.

Will keep you informed.

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