Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dark MoFo

It's that time of the year again, Winter Solstice and Hobart has done it again!   In an effort to get us out of our armchairs watching TV they have lit up the night skies in another spectacular way.   Last year it was a single beam and this year we have a myriad of searchlights which are controlled from huge levers round the waterfront, great fun for the kids!   
Even Ken and I rugged up about nine o'clock last night and took a drive down to see for ourselves what it was all about.   
Hobart was really alive, it was great to see so many people walking round enjoying themselves despite the damp weather and cloudy skies.   All around the Waterfront and at Salamanca there were people, the big shed where they have The Taste every New Year has a continual medieval feast and there was plenty of imbibing going on!
I hope to get down there again during the coming week, so let's hope the rain keeps away, I want to take my camera, (note: I said camera, not iPad) and practice a bit of night photography.
Meanwhile here are two photos, one from last year and one from this year, neither of which I can take credit for!

And from this year

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Even if you didn't take the pictures yourself, they are quite spectacular. So I'll wait for your next nighttime excursion to downtown Hobart