Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What's this then?

This is our new raised vegie bed with beautiful dovetail ends, just like the ones we saw recently at 
the Botanical  Gardens.   Once the soil has settled I will decide what to plant, so watch this space!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A girls Day Out

Ken and Heidi have gone up to Burnie so I took the opportunity to go bush walking FOR A WHOLE DAY,  with Barbara, a friend from PROBUS.   We went to Mount Field National Park and DID the three waterfalls I.e.   

Russelll Falls,

Horseshoe Falls,

And Lady Barron Falls:

and then back up 280 steps

Saturday, June 21, 2014

And the supplies are going down!

Yesterday I found some salmon burgers in the freezer, so out they came!   Still have four left so they will do me when Ken and Heidi go up to Burnie tomorrow for a couple of days and get wined and dined on roast pork and chicken schnitzels. 
The apples and custard are still going strong, good job Ken loves custard!
Otherwise all is going well, today it is pumpkin soup and toasted croutons from the freezer as the bread supply is going down and I don't want to bake anymore till Tuesday.
Don't know what is on the menu for tonight, we had beef pies and potatoes boulangere and brocolli I last night so don't feel sorry for me, just envy me my nice empty cupboards!

Sorry that's the rotten tomato I saved seed from, we didn't have to eat that, not that desperate

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Not starving yet!

Here is what we had for lunch yesterday, used up the roast chicken from Sunday, the rather sad cos lettuce from the fridge, perked up by some nice fresh rocket, made croutons from bread in freezer, crumbed the crusts for us or the birds, whichever is most desperate.   Used one precious egg to make pukka Caesar salad dressing (with one chopped anchovy -yes even have a jar of them AND one inherited from Tim on his recent departure).   The stewed apple was from a visit to old neighbours down the Huon, freshly plucked from their overloaded tree and the rice pudding I made the other day, we love our rice pudding.

What will I think of next?

I have decided to do something about all the food I have in store in the kitchen.   The freezer is overflowing, the fridge is full and the tins keep multiplying so for the next two weeks the only thing I will buy is milk, even though I have plenty of milk powder, we like soy milk now.   
I decided this on the spur of the moment so no quick shopping and stocking up!   The result of this is that I am going to run out of onions and I only have three eggs left.  SO IT WILL BE A CHALLENGE!

I am spurred on by the promise by Heidi of a meal at our Indian Saffron restaurant if I do it.

So today I traded a couple of slices of beautiful sunflower seed bread for one onion from Shirley so now I can make borsch from the two huge beet roots I harvested at the garden (that is allowed!  The trading and the harvesting I mean!)

I already have some empty containers of stuff I have had for a while, so I am looking forward to having a good clear out and some tasty meals along the way.

Will keep you informed.


In a bid to save my own tomato seed to plant next year, I saved one of Tim's huge red tasty tomatoes and left it in the shed to go rotten.   Went out there yesterday, and judging by the funny smell I decided it was time for the next stage!   So I sieved it and got the seeds out, was surprised they are so little, when it think how big the tomatoes were.    Now I will put them away till planting time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

World Cup

Didn't realise Angela M was interested in Football, see she was there to see Germany win 4:0

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dark MoFo

It's that time of the year again, Winter Solstice and Hobart has done it again!   In an effort to get us out of our armchairs watching TV they have lit up the night skies in another spectacular way.   Last year it was a single beam and this year we have a myriad of searchlights which are controlled from huge levers round the waterfront, great fun for the kids!   
Even Ken and I rugged up about nine o'clock last night and took a drive down to see for ourselves what it was all about.   
Hobart was really alive, it was great to see so many people walking round enjoying themselves despite the damp weather and cloudy skies.   All around the Waterfront and at Salamanca there were people, the big shed where they have The Taste every New Year has a continual medieval feast and there was plenty of imbibing going on!
I hope to get down there again during the coming week, so let's hope the rain keeps away, I want to take my camera, (note: I said camera, not iPad) and practice a bit of night photography.
Meanwhile here are two photos, one from last year and one from this year, neither of which I can take credit for!

And from this year

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tai Chi

After more than a year I got back to my DVD this morning, and I feel good!   This was prompted by a friend saying her Dr had recommended she take up Tai Chi.   Now to get ready for our (have a feeling it might be my) first second Wednesday PROBUS walk.   It chilly, let's see if all those enthusiastic walkers when we raised this suggestion are still keen or whether the early morning frost will have put them off!
See you later!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Scenic Sausage Sizzle

Yesterday we had bangers and mash and mushy peas, followed by trifle afor 13 of us.   Bit cold now to sit outside so our little living space was transformed into a cafe!!   Food and company was enjoyed by all and we decided the next meeting would be a Christmas in July lunch, probably with crackers, corny riddles and paper hats!