Monday, February 25, 2013

Who's a prize Plonker then?

Oh Gawd, how can I confess? I have been complaining for days (and nights) about the noise that has been driving me potty. I thought it was Ken's phone needing recharging! It was that sort of tone. Yesterday when H and K came, after tea we all went and sat in the bedroom, waiting for it to happen, so we could route it out. It never happened and we got sidetracked.
It seemed to come from Ken's side of the bed ( well it would, wouldn't it?) so we went through all his bedside drawers searching for something electronic. The only thing we came up with was that the second phone had been off its hook and perhaps the base was telling us!

However - this morning on my solitary walk through the bush I heard it again! It was MY mobile, in MY pocket, oh dear, silly me, I must be getting old! So now I will go and recharge my phone and see how long it is before Ken or Heidi reads this!!!!!!


Heidi said...

well, it happens to the best. In fact, I am glad that you are not

Hazel said...

I might be star sign Virgo which means I am a perfectionist, practical, diligent and reliable but I am also critical, analytical, modest and intelligent but I have never claimed to be infallible, AND I have a mug, just to prove it!